• Story Continues10-12

  • Chapter 10: A New Evil
    Anas pov
    “Xavy? Really?”  I laugh at Xavier once his mom left.
    “Hey don't make fun.”  Hes said coming up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist as I laughed.  “ I you don't stop laughing i'll be forced to stop it for you.”  He said leaning down and brushing his lips against my ear.  I immediately stopped laughing and looked into Xaviers now golden eyes.  Something seemed to draw me in.  Our lips were almost touching when...
    “Im back now lets party!” said Xaviers mother.  Who then ran out of the room.
    “We better go or shell be back.. you ready?”  asked Xavier
    “As ready as ill ever be..”
    (Ill skip the party basically she met a lot of old boring people from both packs and everyone loved her...except her sister.)
    “I'm tired,” I said leaning against Xavy once everyone had left.
    “Me too but mom says we need to meet one last person.  Its mainly business so you can go if you want.”
    “Nah ill stay as long as you do.” I said leaning in to kiss him.
    “I hate to interupt but- actually I don't hate to interrupt at all.”
    Xavier looked up and growled “what do you want?”
    “Well to ask your mum if she is willing to go through with the deal I made with her ohh what was it 16, 17 years ago?”
    “What deal?” Xavy asked obviously confused.
    “The one where if I saved her unborn pup I would get her first son's mate to.  Well my intentions for her are none of your business.”
    “I afraid the deal is broken.  I can not go through with it.”  Xavy’s mom who I had now learned was named Krisiries said walking into the room behind us. “I thought it would be easy but this young woman means to much to my son and the rest of us to give up.” she said gesturing to me.
    The men's  attention snapped to me.  He studied me head to toe making my stomach turn in knots but not in a good way.  A cynical smile spread across his pale face that made me want to run and hide but all I did was press closer to Xavy, hoping he would give me some much needed strength.
    “My son will be most pleased to meet you my dear.  If you come willingly I won't have to kill all these nice people.  Soooo what do you say?”  he said in a sickly sweet voice.
    The weight of his words settled in and I didn't know what to do.  I couldn't leave Xavy ever. it would break not only his ,but my heart as well.  However if anything happened to any of them I don't know what I would do with myself, probably jump off a bridge...
    “Well, what's you answer dear?”
    “Don't call me dear and don't let the door hit you on the way out.”
    “Hahahaha, spirited like your mother I like it.  Ill get yo soon enough dear, but for now I will bid you adieu.” he said before running so fast he was gone before I could blink, leaving an envelope on the ground where he once stood with two words written neatly...My dear.
    Here I sat on the comfy bed in Xavy’s room facing the window while he showered.  The envelope the man had left only hours before balanced neatly in my hands.  I was still in my dress from the party but didn't care.  It had taken a while for me to calm down but Xavy comforted me the entire time.  Its hard to imagine this time yesterday I was meeting Xavy for the first time.
    The anticipation gnawed away at my insides.  I needed to know what the note said.  Slowly I slid my shaking finger under the envelopes fold and opened its wax seal.  I took out the paper that was neatly folded into three sections.  And in the middle of the page read two words that made my blood run cold.  Those two terrifying words rang loud and clear in my mind paralyzing me with fear...for the only words that the page held were..i’m here.
    Two hands grabbed me from behind holding my arms down and covering my mouth with a bad smelling cloth.  I tried to fight but the weird smelling cloth was making me sleepy.  Slowly my senses started to blur and my vision started to darken until I could no longer see, no longer hear, no longer think.  Only darkness...

    Chapter 11: A Royal
    I am running.  Breathing fast as my bare feet pound through a forest.  My long white sundress is torn and covered in dirt.  The trees fly past me and all I can hear is my breathing and the howling of wolves.  I stumble a little getting over  a log and my dress gets caught on a bush covered in thorns with red tips.  Terified I try to rip the dress having dificulty.  Then BAM I am knocked to the ground with a giant wolf on top wolf on top of me.  I manage to get out from under it just barley and start sprinting any direction I can.  After a while I am exhausted and risk sitting by a tree.  I place my left hand on my heaving rib cage and feel something hot and sticky.  Curiously I look down to find my white dress soaked in my own blood.  Looking closer I can barely make out two crescent shapes opposite each other. teeth marks.  The howling seems to get closer so I pick myself off the ground and continue running.  I can hear water but don't dare stop running for fear of what is chasing me.  I look behind me for a second and spot a wolf barely 100 yards behind me.  I turn back only to halt in my tracks.  Right in front of me is a cliff going straight down into a raging river surrounded by jagged knife like rocks.  Turning around the wolf stalks slowly closer to me.  It crouches then pounce!  I feel myself falling. I am about to hit the rocks-
    “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” I scream waking up from a terrible nightmare.
    “ Oi, You shut up!”  An angry guy screams from across the room.
    My wrists and ankles are in heavy chains attached to a cold stone wall.  The room is cramped and there are at least 20 other people in the room chained to the wall like I am.  The man that yelled at me is walking around the room with a gun.
    “Don't pull on the restraints, they're made of silver and it burns like hell.”  a petite girl with short raven black hair and muddy brown eyes sitting next to me says.
    “Where am I?”
    “Hell, A.K.A the vampire slave trade.  But don't worry I overheard the guards talking, you'll be out of here soon they have a special place for you.  You'll probably be sent as a special pet for a royal.”
    “Yeah, the royal vamps they just love having theyre little puppy pets.”

    Chapter 12: Sold and Commanded

    I’ve been here for around two days I think.  Its hard to tell because there is no natural light.  Around seven people have been taken away and eight new ones have taken their place, one of them only five years old.  I learned the girl sitting next to me,s name is Gwen.  We have become fast friends.  It turns out she has twelve brothers and sisters.  She is the oldest at seventeen and has a single mom who is a total crack-head.  She sold herself into the slave trade to feed her younger siblings.  They tried to stop her but she left secretly and sent back the money...She hasn’t heard from them since.  She has been here for five months.
    I hear a door slam and all the guards bow down on one knee.
    “I’m here for Ana, Gwen, and Houston.”
    “ Yes, your majesty. You heard the man get the slaves... NOW!”
    A guard across the room grabs a boy a couple years older than Gwen and I and puts a silver collar with a chain attached around his neck.  He screams out in pain and i wince knowing the same fate awaits me.
    Two guards walk towards Gwen and I.
    “At least we might stay together...”  Gwen whispers, I look over at her to see a brave face but terrified eyes.
    “we'll be fine.  I know it.”
    “I really hope you're right.”
    The guards take off the chains around our wrists and I sigh in relief from the pain.  Only to feel like my neck is on fire two seconds later.  I look over and see Gwen scream out in pain but I can't hear her over my own howls of pain.  They stick us with needles and within a few seconds I am out.
    I wake up on what looks and feels like an over sized dog bed.
    “Morning Princess sleep well.” I look up to see the most beautiful guy ever.  He isnt my type but you can tell he is good looking in his own way.  He has pale almost white skin, sandy blonde hair that reminds me of a surfer boy, and dark brown almost reddish eyes.  He obviously dwarfs me in size with broad shoulders and defined muscles everywhere, also standing around 6’8.
    I try to attack him only to learn two things. 1 I am in wolf form and 2 I am chained by the neck.  This caused me to flip onto my face rather than harm him.
    “Aww falling for me already?”  The stupid boy says mocking me.  And all I can do is growl.
    “So is it a girl or boy?”  He says looking back at a women that is basically the female version of him but shorter and a man I recognize from the night I was taken.  But yet again all I can do is growl.
    The women looks to the older guy and asks “Well?”
    “You'll have to wait and see.  Try a command on it.”
    “Fine.” The boy says “Sit.” and besides every being in my body trying not to, I sit.
    “Okay we have to go Aiden will you be fine with that thing?”  the women say with a voice sweeter than honey.
    “Yeah mom we’ll be fine.”  and with that his parents left the room.”

    CLICK TO READ 13,14&15

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